Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Typographically speaking: the art of Matthew Carter

(openPR) - Running concurrent with the forthcoming ATypI Helsinki Conference is an exhibition that celebrates the work of a major designer with whom most people are unknowingly familiar even as they encounter his work daily. Matthew Carter has designed over seventy-five typefaces, of which Galliard, Charter and Miller are best known for setting continuous text. He has made typefaces for journalistic purposes: Olympian, Time Caledonia, and Miller News, among others that daily grace the pages of popular magazines and respected newspapers. His typefaces for on-screen viewing, Georgia, Verdana, Tahoma and Nina regularly lend readabilty, legibility and efficiency to screen-based communications. He has received major commissions to design proprietary typefaces, whose use are restricted to one organization, for news media corporations, software companies, and cultural institutions. During his expansive career Carter has pioneered all aspects of type design in its evolution, continuously pushing the technical and ultimately the creative envelope as it relates to type, typography and visual communications, ensuring that the very real human needs for readabilty, legibility and expression are met.

Official opening: Saturday 17 September; 1200
Exhibition runs: 17 September-16 October; 2005
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 1000-2000; Friday-Saturday 1000-1600
Venue: Aralis Library and Information Centre, Hämeentie 135 A, FIN-00560 Helsinki, Finland
Admission: Free

This exhibition was organized by the Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery at UMBC. It has received major funding from the National Endowment for the Arts. Funding support has also come from an arts programme grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, the Baltimore County Commission on Arts & Sciences, the Friends of the Library Gallery, Carter & Cone Type, Inc., and private contributors. At UMBC, support has also come from the Visual Arts Department, Graduate School, Special Sessions Policy Committee, and the Humanities Forum. Special acknowledgements to ATypI, Aralis Library and Information Center, UIAH and Lahti Polytechnic, Institute of Design.

Prawn Crackers make delicious and healthy

Crackers are a part that can not be removed from the tradition of Indonesian society. And almost everyone likes crackers, it tastes good but also relatively affordable price. Generally dry crackers are a form of thin plates made of basic materials such as fish, the skin and can also come from the shrimp.

But now so many crackers that use materials that are not allowed pangawet or harm consumers, such as the use of borax. And for making all kinds of crackers did not require preservatives in its manufacture.


This artikel discuss about STRUKTUR HUTANG.
Debt structure describes a composition term debt used by companies, both short, medium, or long term, and is influenced by the size of these debts

Various kinds of debt, among others:

1. Short-Term Debt
2. Medium-Term Debt
3. Long-Term Debt

Short-Term Debt (Utang Jangka Pendek)

Source of funding short-term debt are grouped into:

1. Passive decision variable, the amount of the funding sources will depend on other aspects of the decision in accordance with the company's activities. For example: purchase of raw materials on credit, accruals accounts.
2. On The decision variable, companies must actively seek and obtain funding sources and in the codes should have formal agreements to creditors. For example: bank debt.

Medium-Term Debt (Utang Jangka Menengah)

In this type of debt repayment is usually paid when the asset is financed with debt are no longer needed. However, payments are also done regularly.
The benefits of this debt is that debt can be adjusted with available cash flow to pay off these debts.

Long-Term Debt (Utang Jangka Panjang)

In general, long-term debt has approximately more than 5 years, and some even believe that this debt has a 10-year period.
Long-term debt had ties with the capital structure. If the company borrows the funds and return it within a relatively long time then the loan / debt will become part of the company's capital structure.

Comparison between long-term debt that is borrowed and own capital is usually defined as the capital.
Long-term debt is also formed by the extension of loans / short term debt and medium term debt, it is seen on the basis of these debt payments.
The types of long-term debt include:

1. Bonds
2. Mortgages
3. Investment Credit

Considerations In Debt Decisions

The longer the loan / debt is more secure because of the smaller firms bear the risk of bankruptcy, but the cost of greater interest.
The greater the likelihood of extending the loan period, the greater the cost of the extension to be issued and is likely to bear the risk of bankruptcy.

Funding Period Structure
Hedging Approach
Financing strategy of each asset with a term roughly equivalent to the rotation period of these assets into cash. This approach is based on the matching principle which states that the source of funds should be adjusted to how long the funds needed.

Funding comes from corporate loans / debt both in the short term, medium, and in the long term. It also depends on the size of the company's activities. Consideration is taken to make the debt is not only based on company needs, but also must be grounded also the risk of loss or bankruptcy which will be experienced after the debt.

Independent education and research

In the name of the Party of the European Left I would like to express our solidarity and support to the students in Austria. As we see it, your protests do not only have an impact outside the academic world, but also far outside the borders of Austria.

They are an implication of willingness for resistance in Europe. The European Left stand up for free education and free access to every institution of education. We speak for independent education and research! And we decline the privatising of the educational system fundamentally.

Instead we plead for the construction and democratisation of the European educational system as well on behalf of us in the European Parliament as on the behalf of the parliamentarians of our member parties in their national parliaments. We turn against every form of exclusion and discrimination based on social background, gender or nationality.

High quality education has to be accessible and free of charge for everyone.That is why our solidarity lies with all protesting und striking students in the whole Austria as well as with everyone supporting them.

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

achieve the maximum potential life

Everyone wanted the future better; success in career,
household and social relations, but we often hit by various
constraints. And it is the biggest obstacle to ourselves.
Through his work, Joel Osteen challenges us to get out of that mindset
narrow and begin to think with the new paradigm.

There are 7 steps that we will achieve the maximum potential life:

* The first step is to expand horizons. You have to look at life
with the eyes of faith, look you're off to a higher level.
You must have a clear mental picture of what you will achieve.
This picture should be a part of you, in your mind, in percakapanmu,
seep into your subconscious mind, in deed and in every
aspects of life.

* The second step is to develop a healthy self image. That means you must
underlying picture above yourself what God says about you.
Success reach your goals depends on how you look at
yourself and how you feel about yourself. Because it will determine
your confidence level in acting. The fact that you will not be
never shot higher than what you think about yourself

* The third step is to discover the power behind the mind and what you say.
The main target of enemy attack is mind. He knew if he
managed to control and manipulate what you think, then he
will work to control and manipulate your entire life.
Determine the attitude of mind, attitude and self image. The mind set goals.
The Bible warns us to always keep the mind.

* The fourth step is to release the past, let it go ...
You may have lost everything that no one should experience it
in this life. If you want to live victoriously, you should not use
traumas of the past as an excuse to make choices that bad right now.
You must dare not make the past as a reason for his burukmu
for this, or justify your actions to not forgive someone.

* Step five is to find a power in the worst circumstances even
We have to act: "I may have fallen several times in this life, but
but I'm not going to continue to live under way. "We all face
challenges in life. We all must have experienced things that come
attack us. We may be imposed from outside, but the key to life
victorious is to learn how to rise again from the inside.

* Step six is to give with joy. One of the biggest challenges
that we face is the temptation to self-centered life.
Because we know that God does want what's best for us,
He wants us to prosper, to enjoy his mercy and many more which he provided for us,
but sometimes we forget and get stuck in selfish behavior.
Surely we will experience more joy than I ever imagined
if we want to share life with others.

* Step seven is to choose to be happy today. You do not have to wait
until all persoalanmu resolved. You do not have to postpone happiness
until you reach all your target. God wants you to be happy any condition,

Benefits of Drinking Water

Given the importance of water, then the advice given was that we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or about two to two and a half liters of water. Here are some of the benefits of water for the body:

Make a healthier body
If sufficient water intake, this can help make the distribution of nutrients throughout the body becomes so well that all the cells in the body can repair itself with these nutrients. By drinking water as recommended will also alleviate the kidneys and liver work that can help us avoid kidney and liver disease.
Facilitate digestion
Drinking water helps the disposal of metabolic poisons more smoothly. This will help us avoid digestive diseases such as stomach ulcers and constipation.
Adding natural beauty
Lack of water will make our skin look dry and wrinkled. Water will help keep the skin supple so keep looking young and naturally beautiful.
Water can lose weight. Why? Because water is not calorie, fat free, cholesterol free and low natrium.Selain it, water helps the body fat stored outlines.

For those who are dieting, water can be a friend who should not be forgotten. By drinking warm water before eating, will help us feel full so that will reduce appetite and reduce our food portions. Drinking water will not make fat because water does not contain calories, sugars and fats.
Increasing fertility
To you who are planning a pregnancy, it was water can help increase fertility because it stimulates the production of the male hormone testosterone and estrogen in women.

Water Supply
How to order Your Drinking Water Frequently
Always carry drinking water supply, such as a bottle of water.
After eating, do not forget to drink a glass of water.
Drink water before, during and after exercise or heavy activities.
Choose to drink water when resting than drinking coffee, soft drinks and other sugary drinks.

Given the importance of water, the next question is how to choose healthy drinking water. When the unclean drinking water can cause diarrhea or other diseases. While currently there are various types of drinking water are offered such as ground water, water from Water Company (PAM), Water Supply in Package (AMDK), mineral water and hexagonal water. What are the differences of each type of water?

For residents in rural drinking water can be drawn from ground water drawn from wells or rivers. However, should watch out if water sources are located in industrial areas or waste disposal site. Whereas in big cities such as Jakarta, ground water is no longer suitable for consumption, since many contain bacteria Eschericia coli (E. coli), the content of iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn) and acidity (pH) which exceeds the criteria of water healthy drink. This is because the number of human-generated pollutants that damage the ground water.
Piped water
To be able to produce good water, Drinking Water Company (PAM) is a technology in accordance with drinking water treatment, but was also influenced by the quality of water used as raw material if the water is polluted or not.
Water Supply In Packaging (AMDK)
Water is treated with special technology such as sterilization technology and packaged in plastic bottles or other containers. Permission for the new company will usually issued when a good laboratory test results. In order to get good drinking water, the company should always control the results and treat drinking water well production equipment.
Mineral Water
Water is obtained from the source, generally from the mountains and packed immediately, so there minerals in it with a certain amount is allowed.
Air hexagonal
This type of water molecule has a series of structured, hexagon-shaped so-called hexagonal. This type of water is more easily absorbed by the body, faster to deliver nutrients throughout the body, remove toxic metabolic waste, and will optimize the body's metabolism.

Naturally, this water contained in the Zamzam water well in Mecca, in the Swiss Alps, Switzerland, and in Lourdes, France. In addition to natural, hexagonal water can be made by using natural minerals that can help the formation of hexagonal structure in the water. The temperature during the formation should also be noted that these structures can cause a break down to become regular water.

Hexagonal water is generally sold in containers, but these drinks more healthful to believe the body may also prevent aging. By drinking hexagonal water is considered to increase vitality, slow the aging process and prevent disease. Only this type of water is generally more expensive than other types.

Now, you can determine which are worthy of drinking water to drink. Immediately rejected if the colored water, cloudy or smelly. Whereas when buying packaged water, watch the seals do not open or leaking.

How Many who had to be drunk?

Without taking in enough water, the body can be susceptible to disease. So, be sure to consume at least 8 glasses each day, or about at least two liters of water. Every day, about two liters of water wasted through the skin, lungs, intestines, and kidneys.

This lost water must be changed so that we do not become dehydrated. If you are short of water or become dehydrated, so some signs such as headache, fatigue, aches, urine is concentrated, are not resistant to heat, as well as mouth and dry eyes will be on your body.

How much water to drink every day? For healthy people need a minimum of two to two and a half liters of water a day. If you exercise, then you will need more water. Likewise, if you live in hot climates. For those who are obese, need to drink an extra glass of water for every extra 10 kilograms of ideal body weight. However, contrary to some people with certain diseases such as heart failure or renal dysfunction, some doctors recommend not drinking too much water. This too must be with the consultant recommendations.

Do not substitute water with other liquids such as fruit juice. Although a healthy body, fruit juices contain calories. Similarly, beverages that contain sugar and milk, will also make the body needs more water to digest. Especially if you drink much alcohol or caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea. These drinks have a diuretic properties of compounds that increase the flow of art, so we need to drink more water to replace what was removed.

Therefore, do not drink water when you feel thirsty. When you feel thirsty, then you probably already dehydrated. Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses a day or 2 to 2.5 liters per day for your health. Drink a glass of water right now.

Holistic education

Standard national exam was a hot topic of discussion between the government and Parliament. Commission X and even urged the government to revise Law No. 19/2005 on National Education Standards. Antarpasal conflict that is not in accordance with the national education system and education quality gap between regions are two fundamental reasons
revision under pressure (Kompas Online, 11/5/2006). The debate was long increasing instability series of national education systems.

Educational paradigm

Although the government must take responsibility for the quality of national education, the most know about the quality and the ability of the students are educators. Thus, the duty and right to give assessment pendidiklah. Determination of national standards for graduation assume the quality of education in each region the same. In fact, there is still gap between the educational process in the towns and villages, even between provinces and islands.

Determination of the minimum 4.5 provides an illustration of graduation, the government looked at the educational process is only as transfer of knowledge that can be easily measured with numbers. It reduces the determination of the meaning of education as a process of personal maturation includes the development, cognition, affection, mental, and personality.

John Dewey in the book Education and Democracy (1916) has been an integral mendengungkan educational concept based on the capabilities, needs, and experiences of learners. Reality-based education and experience of the students actually forms of resistance and criticism in the patterns of traditional education which only moved past knowledge to each new generation.

Education is not just a clever print memorize and count, but gave birth impersonal people mature. Education is not just a place to hone the sharpness of the brain, but a place to sow the basic values of life to reach the future and live in a society. The Indonesian people in desperate need of such education system, especially for the younger generation gave birth to a strong and responsible, and able to improve the lives of the nation

Thus, the government insistence to continue to establish a national standard exam, just because he wanted to encourage students to work hard, will not provide sustainable positive impact for the maturity and independence of learners. Even that standard is not representative as a reference point to know the quality of education this nation.
While the revision of the provisions of Regulation No. 19/2005, as it urged the House of Representatives, will not mean the absence of reform and reconstruction of the educational paradigm.

Government task

In the context of holistic education, the government does not need to take over the role of educators to set education standards since the government does not deal directly with students. The task of government is to create conditions and an effective education system, integral, and develop educators and learners.

First, the distribution of education infrastructure and superstructure. In many areas of education facilities and infrastructure is very alarming. Lack of teachers in rural areas, many school buildings not suitable to be used, and the dedication of mental penggemblengan educator, is a big job that must be prioritized and completed government.
Very unreasonable if the government suddenly graduation standards set nationally, while the development and promotion of education is still very partial.

Second, changes in the education system from centralization to decentralization. This change is very possible the school to explore, both in program and curriculum that truly contextual, which is based on the needs of learners and integrated with the local culture and character. So the assessment standards lies in the addition level of knowledge and personal development, such as respect for others, respect differences, discipline, and responsibility for self and others.

Third, a holistic educational process also demands a learning culture among the people. Thus, the process can not dikotakkan education in formal education alone, but needs to be continuous education system between schools, families, and communities. The education process can not be separated from the rhythms of community life for the community to determine the educational process through the values and structures. Instead of education contributed to the values of society change. Building a culture of reading in the community can be the starting point for building a learning culture is.

Least developed nation's education system, not in the national examination standards to be enforced or whether Regulation No. 19/2005 was revised, but at least born a new educational system that develops the essential values of humanity. During the educational process continue having a certain model of teaching, knowledge transfer, education delivery only smart people but not necessarily true, but not necessarily expert humble, intelligent but not necessarily wiser.